We Are The Student Ignition Society

Free resources for progressive early childhood educators

Free Resources

Lenses & Tools

Critical lenses and tools to use when choosing curriculum resources. Please credit Raising Luminaries when using these resources.

Lesson Planning Resources

The following lesson planning resources have been hand-picked, tested, and vetted by members of the Luminary Braintrust.

Indigenized professional learning free digital micro-courses. Educators and leaders are invited to learn from Native American educational, cultural, and tribal experts.

Ten K-12 curriculum to help students understand the approaches of punitive, restorative, and transformative justice responses to conflict and harm. Created Mariame Kaba and others from the Abolitionist Toolkit

Lesson plan, vocabulary, discussion prompts & activity guides to support radical disability justice for elementary-aged students. Created by the authors of We Move Together.

Project NIA — ‘nia’ meaning ‘with purpose’ in Swahili—is a grassroots organization that works to end the arrest, detention, and incarceration of children and young adults. Find educational resources to help grassroots activists teach transformative and reformative justice practices in their communities.

“Founded in 1986 by activist teachers, Rethinking Schools is a nonprofit, independent publisher of educational materials. We advocate the reform of elementary and secondary education, with a strong emphasis on issues of equity and social justice.”

“Black Lives Matter at School is a national coalition organizing for racial justice in education. We encourage all educators, students, parents, unions, and community organizations to join our annual week of action during the first week of February each year.​”

“Geared toward universities and middle schools/highschools, social justice and community-based organizations, foundations, religious and cultural institutions”…”the ‘Curriculum on Antisemitism from a Framework of Collective Liberation’ is devoted to understanding and challenging antisemitism.

“The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the teaching of people’s history in classrooms across the country…Our website offers free, downloadable lessons and articles organized by theme, time period, and grade level.”

“We produce materials that support a strong sense of individuality along with a community model of real inclusion. Our materials teach social awareness, critical thinking skills, as well as provide much needed reflection and respect.”

“TIES (Time, Instructional, Engagement, Support) Center works with states, districts, and schools to support the movement of students with disabilities from less inclusive to more inclusive environments.”

“Our mission is to help K-16 educators enhance students’ critical thinking, metacognition, and civic engagement through media literacy materials and professional development.”

Curated teaching resources, toolkits, recommended children’s books, and discussion starters to support educators discussing the Palestine-Israel conflict for middle & high-schoolers.

“How do we create nurturing, productive, and transformative spaces for learning, work, and growth?” “In this session, we will use the resource ‘How to Share Space: Creating Community in Classrooms and Beyond’ as a springboard to explore the opportunities presented by these changing norms and the challenges they bring.” via Abolitionist Tools & Atom Fire Arts

Advocates for Youth’s ‘Rights, Respect, Responsibility’ curriculum “seeks to address both the functional knowledge related to sexuality and the specific skills necessary to adopt healthy behaviors.”

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©2025 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

This page was last updated in January 2025 by Ashia R.

Raising Luminaries

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