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How to give care without giving out

Join the Luminary Braintrust to bring social justice into your local community with support from caregivers on the same path.

Get access to collaborative parenting workshops, anti-oppression resources, and educational resources to support parents raising the next generation of kind and courageous leaders.

Need help?  Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to register

Engage At Your Own Pace

Jam-packed schedule and the cat just barfed on your laptop?

Check in as often or little as you like - there is no falling behind here.

You Are Enough

You, and however you choose to engage  (lots or little bits) are enough.

Reciprocate Within Your Means

We need your voice and perspective -  whether you are housing insecure or own a small island.

"I have access to so many time-saving resources"

"I don't have time to respond to every call to action - but that doesn't mean I'm not engaged - I’m just busy - my youngest is screaming and someone just shit themselves.”

"As an education consultant and a home-schooling parent, I can tap into the collective wisdom of the Luminary Brain Trust for an inclusive, neurodiversity-accessible library of resources so I don’t have to waste time on Google. "

April B., Member since 2018


Sliding Scale Membership

Monthly dues include access to our private membership portal, chat group, private resource library, priority dibs on seasonal collectives, and exclusive bonuses. 30-day refund guarantee & cancel anytime.

Lock in your monthly rate forever: Active members' rates will never increase, even as our resources and perks grow each year.

No Hardship
Severe Hardship

Learn more about qualifying for the sliding scale. Membership is not transferable between the LBT & Seasonal Collectives. 

"I learn so many things with this group, which in turn helps me teach my littles. It is so helpful to be reminded that we don’t have to do all the things all the time, too."

"I’m so glad I’ve found this amazing safe space to learn, read, try new things, and know that there are other amazing people like you who totally have my back and are rooting for me. THANK YOU!"
Cassi M.
Member since 2019
"I get so much out of the Family Movie Night recaps. From seeing how you break down a movie to laughing out loud (I just snorted trying not to laugh too loud as I read The Hobbit post in bed next to my sleeping children), this is really wonderful."

"I absolutely use these to talk with my family, including my partner, about the movies we watch."
Rebecca B
Member since 2018
I love the Family Movie Night series. It really helps me be more aware of things I might not notice!

Please keep it up!
Della M.
Member since 2018
There's been a lot of LIFE happening and I've been so burnt out and overwhelmed.

The weekly Luminary Braintrust updates are a nice reminder that even if I can't move from my couch right now, I can still stay engaged and connected to other parents with the same goal of kinder, more fair world.
Cat L.
Member since 2018
I stumbled into this space just trying to pay for the time and labor behind the immense value I was getting (and continue to get) from the phenomenal book recommendations at Books for Littles.

I'm so grateful that I did. I've found role models here and advice when I need it - and all kinds of creative ideas that lead me in the direction I want to go with abundant scaffolding and support and laughter.
Alison L.
Member since 2019
I always have so much fun in Raising Luminaries spaces.

Ashia is so good at opening ideas in a framework that is accessible, and digestible, and possible, so you can re-frame your thoughts.

Tricia L.
Member since 2017
  • The Luminary Braintrust is a support group for social justice activist parents, caregivers, and educators.
  • Together, we tackle the challenges of raising young kids within systems of oppression & supremacy culture and empower each other for real-life conversations advocacy in our real-life community.
  • Use our online chat groups, live hangouts, workshops, and training resources to reduce your workload.
  • “I feel a specific kind of tired of being the leftmost person in so many spaces. I want a chance to learn too. I really enjoy being in spaces with people who are so far ahead of me in different ways. Not being the parent who has to judge how far to push other members, or bringing in all the resources on how to move forward.”
    – Jillian W., LBT Member
  • Every season, we tackle a real  challenge to troubleshoot together at the intersection of raising a family and seeking social justice.
  • Harnessing our collective wisdom and experience, we share our stories – what’s worked for us, what we’ve learned from past mistakes, and clarify what we need to keep going.
  • Many of us have physical and social disabilities that make engaging in real life or toxic social media groups inaccessible. And most of us live in communities where local families don’t hold the same progressively radical views on anti-oppression and transformative justice.
  • Together, we build a family action resource library to support families like us.
  • “It’s frustrating to try to connect with other parents in my kid’s daycare around these issues because most of them aren’t particularly interested in digging in. It ends up being yet one more place where I feel like I’m working to gently explain and persuade instead of a mutual thing where I get support too.”
    – Alison L. LBT Member
  • The Luminary Braintrust is a coalition of caregivers* raising a young generation of radically progressive leaders to understand and take responsibility for individual and systemic social change.
  • Learn more about our group values & member agreements

*Including but not limited to parents, guardians, educators, and social workers, with folks from all family constellations and education models welcome.

  • The Raising Luminaries mission is to ignite the next generation of kind & courageous leaders to smash the kyriarchy.
  • To do this effectively, we can grow through community – assessing and determining our lane, capacity, and impact as parent activists to avoid performative activism and focus on impactful transformative parenting. 
  •  We can try to seek brave spaces to do this in social media groups and local community activist spaces – but these often turn toxic and lead to membership burnout without proper relationship-building and scaffolding for member support.
  • In addition to the support resources in the LBT – discussion prompts, open discussions, goofy articles, and hangouts, we discuss how to model and normalize courage, kindness, and leadership both in our families in our communities.
  • This includes accountability initiatives, such as sharing what we intend to do and and whether we followed through, unpacking the bigotry we grew up with and our own mistakes and what we learn through them.
  • We create a brave space to respond and support each other, without coddling or excusing harmful behavior to build relationships through open communication, mutual support, and wanting the best for each other.
  • Absolutely!
  • Members both suggest and vote on the seasonal challenges to investigate together.
  • From there, you are invited (but not obligated) to add your insight, suggestions, and experiment with us to create new workshops, tools, and trainings to support yourself and your community.
  • The Brain Trust Portal is always growing with new features and experiments, including revolving and regular series based on member interest.
  • Some staple features of our activities together include  self-paced asynchronous private video chat groups, monthly Family Movie Night recaps, resisting supremacy discussion prompts, a weekly check-in email newsletter for sharing good news, the Failure Party Bulletin Board, and a monthly Choose-Your-Own-Adventure 20-day accountability challenge.
  • All of this – of course, is designed to check in and tap out at your own pace. No rush.
  • As our group grows, we’ll keep experimenting with new features and initiatives.
  • I dunno about you, but 11pm Zoom calls at the only time when I’m available sound exhausting. So let’s not.
  • Instead of wedging more meetings into our busy schedules, we gather asynchronously at a pace that works for each of us.
  • Having that immediate feedback of getting to know each other face-to-face in a real conversation is invaluable – but let’s take the pressure off ourselves to cram more into each week.
  • If what you’re looking for is more active engagement and to connect in real time with like-minded caregivers, check out the Raising Luminaries Seasonal Collectives – annual 6-week virtual programs where we gather for deep connection and live weekly guided discussion to fully integrate activism into our caregiving work and everyday lives.


  • Log into the Luminary Brain Trust Portal from your computer or phone, you can search for keywords and topics using the search field in the sidebar to find member-only discussions and articles.


  • Absolutely! Let’s be friends!
  • While Raising Luminaries centers multiply-targeted parents and guardians of young children, we are all linked by inclusive values and visions of a shared future. 
  • In Raising Luminaries spaces, we’re not playing Oppression Olympics, nor do we believe the responsibility of dismantling injustice should fall only on the oppressed. We shouldn’t have to do this without you.
  • Systemic injustice and the kyriarchy hurt all of us to some degree – even those who mostly benefit from the system, and those with more power have more time, energy, and resources to spare when contributing to interdependent communities.
  • And many of us over-focus on our racial and economic privilege and dismiss the barriers to inclusion that come with being ‘the other‘  in social justice and parenting spaces – whether you’re the only primary-caretaking dad in your neighborhood or hiding an invisible disability to maintain custody of your kids. We make space for your challenges so you can show up as your full self.
  • Regardless of our privileges and challenges, each focused on what we can each contribute given the currencies available to us – whether it’s social power, financial donations, an empathetic ear, resource sharing, or whatever  we have plenty of and are willing to share.
  • We don’t do saviorism or allyship here. But we welcome accomplices and conspirators who are willing to show up and actively engage and participate.
  • If you’re joining to virtue signal “I belong to to the Luminary Braintrust” to excuse toxic behavior and don’t contribute in any way – ew, no thank you. Please respect our space and find a group that enjoys performative diversity picnics.
  • But if you’re willing to work alongside us, to contribute via membership fees, holding space for hard conversations, and to help each other feel validated and heard, we’re here for it. Together we can work toward shared liberation and wield our power to smash the kyriarchy from within.
  • Let’s get into some cahoots!
  • Hi, I’m Ashia (they or she), the Head Custodian of Infodumpery at Raising Luminaries.
  • I’m an Autistic, multiracial (Chinese/Irish) 2nd-generation settler raising two children alongside my partner on the homelands of the Wampanoag and Massachusett people.
  • I facilitate our discussions, host our events, write the content, and do all the stuff that keeps our spaces brave, our community inclusive, and our resources accessible.
  • I know you’re busy – but I welcome any volunteers who would be interested in independently or co-facilitating a discussion, hangout, or community resource.
  • Learn more about the Raising Luminaries community.
  • Learn how to sponsor or volunteer to collaborate on a toolkit.
  • Your membership fee covers my (Ashia’s) labor and expenses providing free and accessible resources for kyriarchy-smashing families on Books For Littles, the Student Ignition Society, and Raising Luminaries.
  • You’ve gotten free access to the resources I create – including our Monthly Resource Roundups, Family Action Toolkits, newsletters, kidlit analysis, podcasts, workshops, etc.
  • So LBT membership fees and our seasonal collectives are how I (try to) fund my expensive habit of providing resources for folks who can’t afford a paywall. It’s not a great business model. I’m working on it.
  • There are a small number of member-only features that supporting members get access to in the Luminary Brain Trust Portal (see What do members get access to).
  • But I’m still uncomfortable with blocking access to anyone who want to be in community with us but can’t afford the full value of the membership. So learn more about our membership sliding scale if cost is a financial barrier for you.
  • If you’d like to pay it forward, apply code CONSPIRATOR in the ‘discount‘ box.
  • Your monthly $50 membership will provide access for members who need sliding scale support.
  • Yes! Thank you!!!
  • You can donate to support these resources and the work I do here:
  • Venmo | Ko-fi | Paypal
  • (Note: Paypal will take a big chunk out for processing fees)


Because many of our members have limited access to tech and are often on the go with kids, everything we do in the LBT is designed to be fully mobile-friendly.

The membership portal is fully responsive for mobile devices, we send announcements via email, and our group discussions use the Marco Polo app.

father and daughter playing on beach

Ask a question and we'll add it to the FAQ

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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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