Enrollment for the Summer Collective Ends In:

Luminary Braintrust

Member agreements

Member agreements

  • You, and however you choose to engage (lots or little bits), are enough.
  • No one is keeping score on what your contributions are here. It’s okay to admit you don’t know stuff.
  • Set intentions to be generous with one another – in assuming good intentions, presuming competence, but allowing space that not everyone has had the same experiences, knowledge and scaffolding.
  • Every person here knows something we could all learn from, and every person here has lots to learn.
  • Do not feel pressured to engage just to make others happy.
  • Silence and patience are good and necessary in resisting the capitalism of an attention economy – especially in virtual spaces.
  • Waiting days, weeks, whatever you need, before reacting, responding, or engaging – or just responding in your own head for yourself, is valuable.
  • You don’t need to have anything *new* to say, or have everything figured out for your voice to matter.
  • You are welcome to start conversations in the comments, add posts in the padlets, go off on wild tangents, come up with ideas, vent.
  • Sometimes it feels like we’re shouting into the void and like we’re being kind of silly – but there are lots of people who bear witness to this and find comfort in seeing someone verbalize the feelings they are having.


  • If we already knew everything and how to solve the challenges in the world, we wouldn’t be here.
  • We’d be lounging somewhere eating onion rings while our robot minions healed the world.
  • So it’s important that we discuss the stuff that we find confusing, the learning curve we’re on, and the problematic stuff we’re doing and trying to do better with.


  • In our community, we support our kids in fighting for:
  • – Youth rights & anti-childism
  • – Bodily sovereignty and enthusiastic consent
  • – Racial justice & anti-racism
  • – Intersectional feminism & gender equity for MaGes
  • – Freedom from toxic masculinity for boys & men
  • – LGBTQiA2S+ rights
  • – Environmental & climate justice
  • – Indigenous sovereignty & Indigenous-led decolonization
  • – Disability justice & #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs
  • – Mad rights & anti-sanism
  • – Inclusive family constellations
  • – Centering adopted people, people in the foster system over the fairytale narrative of adoption
  • – Freedom of religion & interfaith mutual support
  • – Mutual aid, interdependence & anti-consumerism

How can we make our group into a braver, more raucously fun space?

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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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