Enrollment for the Summer Collective Ends In:

Luminary Brain Trust Updates

September 30, 2022

This Week's Call To Action

Help us find self-guided social justice activities for rainy days.

Share your ideas in the Collaborator Laboratory

Weekly Check-Ins

Hi Friends!

Each month, we focus our community wisdom on a single obstacle and tackle it together in the Collaborator Laboratory.

In our first monthly challenge, we’re gathering quick & easy activities to engage our kids when they’re bouncing off the walls and we’re too tired to get creative.

By the end of this month, we’ll gather and reflect on each others stories, recommend the tools that have worked for us, and share the advice we wish someone had shared with us years ago.

Remember you’re not obligated to contribute your story or tell us what worked for you…

But every personal story, request for help, and hearty cheer for each other helps us feel less like lonely bizarre weirdos who are the only ones struggling with this problem.

With you,



Help us find self-guided social justice activities for rainy days.

Check out this month's Collaborator Laboratory Obstacle

Weekly Check-Ins

Group Discussion

New polls & prompts Tuesdays.
Chime in whenever.

Little Wins

What small (or big?) thing have you managed to work through this month?

Collaboration Laboratory

Vote on topics &
share your advice

Friday Failure Party

What did you mess up this week?
Let's talk about what we learned!

Self-Care Challenge

Cheer each other on & become a lean, mean, kyriarchy-smashing machine.

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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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