Luminary Brain Trust Updates

March 3, 2023

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This Week's Call To Connect

Review, suggest, and vote on the challenges you’d like us to work on as a community this Spring.


  • Vote for a spring Collab Lab Challenge you’d like to see me create resources for

Hi Friends!

I’m alive!

Thanks for your patience while I slowly get back into the swing of infodumping ALL THE THINGS at you and flooding your inbox with cheers and goofy nonsense.

This past 5 weeks, I’ve been slowly recovering from surgery and an allergic reaction that still lingers. So I’m gonna give us all a little space before we launch into spring with a new Collab Lab challenge.

Meanwhile - here's what's new these past few weeks:

Check out the new March Family Action Toolkit
Get book recommendations, guided discussions, and bonus resources to tackle a challenging topic with your kiddo this month.

Follow along in my Pick Your Battles experiment
Find out what was surprisingly easy – and difficult, in my six weeks of picking less battles.

We’re connecting about books, battles, and picky eaters in the LBT videochat group
No need to follow the backlog of earlier messages – just pop in and say ‘hi!’

I tried to get ChatGPT to replace me

It… didn’t turn out the way I expected. I’m still waiting to hear from Robot HR about the harassment suit I’ve probably got coming.

Coming up next:

I’m slowly ramping back up from recovery. So I’ll be back in two weeks to let you know what we’re tackling this spring.

With you,

– Ashia


PS: In case I never properly explained this – Why a weekly Little Win & Failure Party check-in matters so much in parent activism. Participating is another way we show up for each other.

PPS: From my friends Maya & Matthew at Reflection Press: “Last year was a challenging year for our indie press and the larger LGBTQIA+ community and the bans and coordinated attacks on our community have only continued to intensify this year. That’s why we feel it ‘s important for us to get this book out NOW. The Gender & Infinity Book for Kids is a remedy-based framework. It roots resilience deep in the power of nature, and helps heal the impact of gender oppression and preempt its internalization. “ share the campaign page and donate if you can.

PPPS: Are you modeling healthy care work for your kids – or saviorism, martyrdom & toxic hustle? Join the free wait list for the Summer Parent Activist Accelerator and get access to reduced early-bird rates. Spaces are suuuper-limited, so reserve your space ASAP.


Vote For Our Spring Challenge!

What topics, tools, and resources could we explore together?

Weekly Check-Ins

Group Discussion

New polls & prompts Tuesdays.
Chime in whenever.

Little Wins

What small (or big?) thing have you managed to work through this month?

Collaboration Laboratory

Vote on topics &
share your advice

Friday Failure Party

What did you mess up this week?
Let's talk about what we learned!

Self-Care Challenge

Cheer each other on & become a lean, mean, kyriarchy-smashing machine.


How can we make these updates awesomer?

Help us create the kind of community you're proud to be a part of.

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©2025 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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