Luminary Brain Trust Updates

June 16, 2023

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Family Movie Night

That 5-second disclaimer at the start of classic Disney movies makes up for the billions in profit never directed toward #OwnVoices animators though!


Hi Friends!

Our water is full of oil and forever chemicals, the air is poison, and we’re resigning ourselves to death by pandemic – but at least we have streaming media devices  to clutch in our apocalyptic bathtub bunkers.

So grab some air purifiers, don your tin hat, and open a can of beans – it’s time to escape into the fantasy world of children’s movies.

(Hahah no just kidding, those are usually trash too.)

But just like climate disasters and terrible movie tropes, we can talk about these issues with our kids and tackle them one step at a time.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court upheld ICWA (I am genuinely surprised!) – which protects Indigenous children, tribal sovereignty, and by extension, land and water protections throughout Turtle Island.

Every month in our Family Action Toolkits, hundreds of folks add their voices, direct their power toward justice, and amplify good trouble. We’re working steady, making progress, and getting smarter and more clever every day.

Today, you woke up determined to be a little kinder, a little braver than yesterday. Sometimes that kindness looks like showing up for others. Sometimes that bravery looks like resting and taking care of yourself.

And sometimes that creative cleverness looks like enjoying a movie with your kids, unpacking the trash of it all, and laughing at the absurd silliness of tropes. This is how we learn, this is how we identify the assumptions we grew up with, and this is how we start conversations about how to do better.

With that, I bring you two more Family Movie Night rants this June:

  • Peter Pan, (the old one) which we knew was gonna be bad – and wow, yeah. WOW. Look how far we’ve come… I guess? (We haven’t very come far at all – But we will!)
  • Zootopia – the first every Family Movie Night rant from 2018, now with full transcription. Watching Zootopia feels like sitting through a 2-hour ‘diversity tolerance picnic‘ where a white mom in full yellowface Mulan costume tells you how how not-racist she is.

Enjoy! Talk about it with your kids. Commit to doing better.

“When you ask what I need for accessibility…

​​I need an opportunity to express something that makes me feel a little vulnerable – and then immediately experience that other people are still there and have not run away. Like a live hangout option as early as possible (in my ideal world, a ‘welcome’ hangout the week before the accelerator starts).”

Alison L.


Add your voice – getting honest about your accessibility needs makes this space better for everybody.


Coming up next:

I’ll be back next week with a new July Family Action toolkit to help you ignite kind & courageous leaders.

With you,

– Ashia

PS: Join the Stories that Save Us workshop to embrace personal storytelling as a path to radical progress both personally and for our communities.

PPS: Commit to learning from your mistakes -join our monthly Failure Party and come celebrate with me!

PPPS: Ms. Trieu’s “students are wonderful, sweet, and kind individuals who are eager young learners. They are constantly participating in class. They want to do their best to learn. Unfortunately, there are times when they get to school without having had breakfast.” Help me provide granola bars for her low-income students.

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©2025 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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