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Luminary braintrust november updates, caregiver community choose your adventure. four close friends smiling in a huddle

Hi Friends!

I want to kick this off with a pithy “Welcome back, flood of horrors!” or “It’s time to buckle up for another bumpy 4 years.”

But we all know these past four years have already been far too bumpy.

The only difference is that now we’ll also be fighting off deportations and loss of medical, education, and climate protections. As a majority of our voting population has chosen the route of fascism and supremacy, many of us won’t make it out of this alive. More climate disasters. Another pandemic. Probably dinosaurs who shoot flames out of their mouths along with the intensification of more McCarthy-style raids and a new world war. Same old, along with new depths only our ancestors could fathom.

Luckily – we’ve been preparing for this. We have the tools of resistance. Democracy and equality is fragile – but so is fascism and white supremacy.

Our opposition is smarter, stronger, and better positioned than they were before. And we are tired.

But we know how to get into formation. We’re better prepared than we were eight years ago, and eight years before that.

Well, the good news is that we no longer have to claw our way past the smoke-screen of a Democrat-led administration. We no longer have to start every initiative by flailing our arms in the air screaming “HEY, PAY ATTENTION! BAD THINGS ARE HAPPENING!”

The past four years’ false claims of ‘protecting innocent children,’ spreading conspiracy theories, and accusations of division are now laid bare. Radically progressive caregivers who have been working tirelessly these past four years are ready to fight.

We have new technology, have built decades of cross-movement solidarity, and many more everyday people understand how to support an mutual aid infrastructure for resistance and survival.

So now we can share what we’ve learned with the new folks about to realize they’ve made a terrible mistake.*

Let’s turn to our ancestors for lessons in survival and resistance, and then turn our shoulders into building the future we want for our kids.

We know how to keep going – even when the horrors turn from a trickle into flood.

*Yeah, no j/k. We will never learn from our mistakes. That’s what scapegoats are for! ::Deep resigned sigh in preparation for the storm to come::

New From Raising Luminaries This Month:

Raising Luminaries creates workshops, training, and educational resources for parents and caregivers igniting the next generation of kind & courageous leaders.

Join the Luminary Braintrust or log in to see this month’s member-only downloads, guides, and invitations.

Join the Raising Luminaries Caregiver Winter Incubator

DO NOT WAIT until next year, when you’ve burnt out after a year under the Trump administration.

We need you strong, and we need you ready. Unlike 2016 – 2020, we now have the tools to resist effectively, without bumbling out of our lanes, neglecting our families, or burning out.

Instead of modeling apathy, saviorism, and toxic hustle, learn how to pace yourself for the next four years of fascist nightmares, as you work to protect both vulnerable communities and those most dear to you.

I wouldn’t waste your time on this if it wasn’t vital to our solidarity work.

Seriously – we all need to cover these basics in order to keep each other safe.

Luminary Braintrust members get early-access registration and an exclusive  discount code for registration. Members, log in to access these perks below.

Let's Get Together

We host our last Autumn Hangout on November 28th before we reconvene again in spring.

Click through for meeting times, zoom links, and a FAQ if you’re nervous about joining us.

Untangle Your Challenges In The Chat Group

Over in the chat, we’re holding space for each other while also mapping a path to resistance.

Next month we wrap up our discussion on transitions (timely, given the grief and tumult coming for us in the months and years ahead).

preview of january and december reading bingo printable companions for the books for littles family action toolkits

December Toolkit & Story Bingo

As always, no one expects you to tackle everything in our monthly toolkits. Just keep these issues on your radar, and keep asking your kids – and yourself: How can we be more generous with each other?

Start A Good Habit

Big changes look impossible because honestly – they are impossible.

That is, IF you don’t have the structure and support you need to enact incremental action that snowballs into exponential progress.

If you need to break a bad habit, or want to build a new one, let our accountabili-buddies help you develop a discipline of resistance.

spongebob victory screech

Little Wins & Failure Party

I keep screwing up.

But also sometimes I make some progress!

With our little wins & failure parties, we temper the aches of failure and stay motivated through progress.

Coming Up Next

I updated our ‘Good Finds’ newsletter series into ‘Quick Treats’ to more accurately encompass the delight and whimsy of these monthly tidbits of joy.

If you’ve missed them, check ’em out. Lots of good stuff in there.

“I want access to a community of parents and friends who get it – but I don’t have the time to contribute or help even more people.”

Good News!

If you’re feeling isolated and can’t find the time to connect with other parent activists – that’s what our 24/7 chat group is for.

I enjoy listening in while doing my morning stretches. Sometimes I use it to support a new accountabili-buddies habit I’m working on. Or if I’m dreading cooking dinner and need a little companionship, I’ll tap into the group to make chopping veggies less tedious.

Even when my kids won’t leave me alone, it’s easy to find a minute-long pocket of time to connect with other adults in a space where I can vent, brainstorm, and untangle the threads of anxiety clogging up my brain.

We need you with us. And please don’t try to catch up first – you’re joining a party, not a lecture.

With you,

– Ashia


Luminary Braintrust Chat Group

Let's stay in touch!

We're in this together

What does support look like for you right now?

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©2025 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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