Luminary Brain Trust Updates

December 2, 2022

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Collaborate on a Family Action Toolkit

This Week's Call To Connect

Check out the upcoming Family Action Toolkits & tell us what support looks like for you.

Weekly Check-Ins

Hi Friends!

Every year I choose a new BIG SCARY EXPERIMENT to practice in the Raising Luminaries community – and in 2023, we’re focusing on… RECIPROCITY.

(Which involves honest communication about needs and asking for help – So scary!)

And then I break down this theme into seasonal and monthly experiments. So this winter, I’m pouring my energy into creating new Family Action Toolkits, for free, for everybody.


And that twist is – ASKING FOR HELP in creating, maintaining, and funding the work it takes to build these deceptively-simple, super-helpful resources.

Curious? Here’s how to collaborate:

1. Take a sneak peek at the new toolkit layout, for example in our upcoming January Family Action Toolkit.

2. Consider which topic you would be ready to tackle with your kids if you had a toolkit like this at your fingertips.

3. Consider what resources you’d enjoy trying out with your kids – books, videos, etc. and how you’d feel about amplifying your impact by telling other folks about them.

4. Or if you don’t have the bandwidth – maybe sponsor a toolkit financially while I take on all the work.

5. Whether you only have 5 minutes to suggest resources you’ve already approved – or want to work together to create something new, tell me what collaboration & reciprocity looks like for you.

Coming up next:

Next week, we’ll explore a new topic in our Dismantling Supremacy series.

With you,

– Ashia

PS: In case I never properly explained this – Why a weekly Little Win & Failure Party check-in matters so much in parent activism. Participating is another way we show up for each other.

PPS: My partner got a job! We’re out of crisis mode. Thank you for your help & patience while we navigated the chaos.

PPPS: It’s not too late to join our discussion group experiment, we’re just getting started!

Weekly Check-Ins

Group Discussion

New polls & prompts Tuesdays.
Chime in whenever.

Little Wins

What small (or big?) thing have you managed to work through this month?

Collaboration Laboratory

Vote on topics &
share your advice

Friday Failure Party

What did you mess up this week?
Let's talk about what we learned!

Self-Care Challenge

Cheer each other on & become a lean, mean, kyriarchy-smashing machine.


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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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