Enrollment for the Summer Collective Ends In:

Luminary Brain Trust Updates

December 23, 2022

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Members get full access to our ridiculously helpful ecosystem of resources to help you ignite the next generation of kind & courageous leaders.

This Week's Call To Connect

Check out new tools to ignite kind & ignitions kiddos in the Resource Library.

Weekly Check-Ins

Hi Friends!

Kids already climbing the walls during break?

Find kid-friendly activities to entertain them on those long boring days when they won’t stop asking you for snacks.

(And also find tools for YOU to slam down the bigoted nonsense that awaits us 2023.)

DO NOT turn this into an ‘Oh no – another thing I need to do with my kids!’

I know you’re busy – which is why our resource library is organized by use for quick reference whenever need a little help.

Check out what’s new in our ever-growing Resource Library.

Not sure where to start? Start here:

Our resource library is community-sourced – you can add thoughts and suggestions directly in the documents and submit suggestions using the contact form.

Meanwhile, in the Collab Lab:

We’ve all got so much going on – so instead of throwing a new challenge at you each month, we’re switching up the Collab Lab to dive deeply into a single topic each season.

This winter in our little video chat group, we’re identifying the symptoms of draining friendships and how we’re model healthy boundaries for our kids.

Coming up next:

This week the Earthquakes are on school break and next week is chaos – so I have no idea what’s coming – but whatever it is, I’ll be back next week to share it with you!

Meanwhile – have a safe and happy holiday season!

With you,

– Ashia


PS: I took a sick day this week, and since our league of badasses suggested it’s okay to skip these sometimes, we’re leaving the certificates for November up for now. Thanks for understanding!


Check out the Resource Library

Share the tools you use to ignite kind & courageous leaders.

Weekly Check-Ins

Group Discussion

New polls & prompts Tuesdays.
Chime in whenever.

Little Wins

What small (or big?) thing have you managed to work through this month?

Collaboration Laboratory

Vote on topics &
share your advice

Friday Failure Party

What did you mess up this week?
Let's talk about what we learned!

Self-Care Challenge

Cheer each other on & become a lean, mean, kyriarchy-smashing machine.


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Help us create the kind of community you're proud to be a part of.

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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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