Enrollment for the Summer Collective Ends In:

Luminary Brain Trust Updates

May 10, 2024

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Holding Space For Each Other

Join us for hangouts this Tuesday (and again on the 28th) to vent, recharge, and brainstorm a way through activism & parenting chaos.

Hi Friends!

Welp, it’s been quite the month. After an unfortunate series of bigotry and nonsense, I’m ready to connect with other parents who aren’t interested in just being most fragile and self-centered people in the room.

Our next hangout is this Tuesday, March 12th.
1pm Eastern | Noon Central | 11 Mountain | 10 Pacific

Share your parenting, activism & community challenges. This is a brave space to vent, talk out ideas, and share your wisdom with others.
preview of january and december reading bingo printable companions for the books for littles family action toolkits

May Storytime Bingo

Get kids excited to learn about each of our Family Action Toolkit topics with these new bingo games.

This month we also feature a bonus bingo for Asian & Pacifica Heritage Month.

Don’t see a download link? Make sure you’re logged in!

Coming up next

Next week, I’ll be back with more updates from our Resource Library or a new discussion on dismantling supremacy.


> Check out our May Quick Actions for short, easy actions you can take to make a big difference.

> Visit our April League of Badassery!

> Take a gander at Alison’s spectacular Shitty White Ally Bingo!

First winner gets an frustrated eye-roll and, well… nothing.

Even if you identify as a white ally who feels attacked when we point out the harm, there are literally no actual consequences to you for doing these things!

With you,

– Ashia

PS: Now coordinating with Summer Collective alumni – let me know if you’re joining as an active participant this year so I can hold your spot!

We're in this together

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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
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Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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