Enrollment for the Summer Collective Ends In:

Luminary Brain Trust Updates

May 17, 2024

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Who do you hurt when you hustle?

Join us for this month's discussion on dismantling supremacy culture. Let’s examine how our compulsion to over-work causes harm to those we hold power over.

Hi Friends!

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the projects that suddenly need your urgent attention and support?
It’s Lìxià, a time for bursting into action! We’ve finally fully thawed from winter and we’ve gotten our legs under us. We’re itching to get outside and make big changes.
Of course – this comes with lots of opportunities – SO many chances to help, to volunteer, to collaborate!
Aaand… so many emails! So many meetings! So many sign-up forms to to bring cookies to the bake sale, orange slices to every soccer game, only five more bucks for the final stretch of a crowd-fund!
Heck, you can afford just one more donation. You’ve got 15 minutes to help out!
Here, there, and everywhere, until suddenly you look up and realize you’ve been responding to email for four straight hours, and haven’t even gotten out of bed yet.
Which is why, every year, I offer this gentle reminder that if you fail to get honest about your capacity and set boundaries around your work – you are going to burn out.
And when you do, the damage will ripple through to your family, your collaborators, and those you’re here to help.
We need you rested, focused, and strong. Do not become a liability. Do not stretch yourself so thin that your work becomes sloppy, forcing collaborators to rush in and clean up after you.
This month in the Dismantling Supremacy series, we talk about hustle culture and how our complicity in over-work keeps us complicit in the kyriarchy.

Practicing Solidarity & Power-With Mode

Nat from Come Back to Care invites us to reflect on how the punishment tactics used against anti-genocide protestors on college campuses are reflected in our parenting.

Listen to Nat's 3-episode podcast playlist to learn how resist the power-over dynamic and practice solidarity with your kids in rough moments.

nat vikitsreth of come back to care

Coming up next

Now that we’ve wrapped up the Getting Sh*t Done Guide spring workshop, we’re getting ready for our third annual Summer Collective!

I’ve already started welcoming back members from previous Summer and Winter collectives. If you’re a Winter or Summer alum had missed my invitation, reach out to me ASAP to hold your spot.


> Check out our toolkit on how to talk about Palestine with your kids.

> Save the date on Tuesday, May 18th at 1pm ET for our final spring hangout before we break for summer and reconvene in September.


With you,

– Ashia

Keeping in mind what I said earlier about feeling pulled to help in too many ways… only if this feels like you have the capacity and you’re actively looking for a family to support in Gaza, consider chipping in to help the Hassan family seek urgent medical care.


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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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