Enrollment for the Summer Collective Ends In:

Luminary Brain Trust Updates

December 16, 2022

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Addams Family Values

This Week's Call To Connect

Check out the new Family Movie Night recaps & find something to laugh about with your kids.

Weekly Check-Ins

Hi Friends!

Reading books and watching movies gives us a chance to examine our cultural assumptions without the pressure of production, performing, or ‘educating’ each other.

Check out the ever-growing archive in our Family Movie Night Collection.

I’ve got surgery coming in January and will need to go silent for several weeks through February and March. Because of that, I’m in a weird nesting GET IT DONE mode.

Which means, I’ve added a ton of recaps this month for you to peruse through the winter:

Coming up next:

Next week, I’ll be back with progress on this month’s Collab Lab group project and updates for our Resource Library.

With you,

– Ashia

PS: Little Feminist Book Club, an organization supporting #OwnVoices targeted kidlit authors, needs your help. Due to the recession, they’re down 298 subscriptions as members cut costs and services. Share the code RAINBOW for 20% a book club membership for yourself or as a gift.

PPS: We’ve got family celebrations for the Lunar New Year and then a big surgery right after. So expect lots of goodies in the next couple weeks to enjoy while I’m in recovery through February & March.

PPPS: Join our discussion group chat on identifying healthy, declining, and abusive friendships. This week, we’re unpacking the individual and systemic threats that keep us in cycles of draining & harmful relationships.


Which stories help your kids recognize the kyriarchy?

What kids movies, books, and shows help you unpack touchy topics?

Share your recommendations & advice with us below.

Weekly Check-Ins

Group Discussion

New polls & prompts Tuesdays.
Chime in whenever.

Little Wins

What small (or big?) thing have you managed to work through this month?

Collaboration Laboratory

Vote on topics &
share your advice

Friday Failure Party

What did you mess up this week?
Let's talk about what we learned!

Self-Care Challenge

Cheer each other on & become a lean, mean, kyriarchy-smashing machine.


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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
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Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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