Enrollment for the Summer Collective Ends In:

Luminary Brain Trust Updates

January 20, 2023

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Welcome The Year of the Rabbit

This Week's Call To Connect

Follow along as we enter the new year with self-compassion, some little winter burrowing, commit to stop filling silence with blather.


Hi Friends!

Happy new year!

This weekend, our family welcomes the Year of the Rabbit. The water rabbit year is the time to time to refocus our attention on kindness, compassion, and consideration for others. 

This February we ignite a spark of compassion in our kids by getting honest about how the world really is – and what an amazing place it could be

…IF we can resist false urgency and busywork that distracts us from deep and lasting work.

Below, find everything you need to guide family conversations about oppression, pick your battles, and protect your energy this winter.

TL;DR: Below

First: Browse the new Family Action Toolkit!

This month we model patience and tenacity through setbacks in our efforts to smash the kyriarchy

Also we talk about:

  • In collaboration with Revolutionary Humans: What are Black Futures, and what role do each of us play in creating joy and liberation for all?

  • Resisting colonization & the patriarchy on St. Brigid’s Day

  • Unpacking ‘harmless’ tropes in non-controversial holidays like Groundhog Day

  • Rosa Parks & the women who started the Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • How to advocate for Black Lives Matter at school

  • Showing appreciation for our bestest buds on Galentine’s day

  • Learning about puppy love, consent & boundaries for Valentine’s Day

Click through for the full toolkit

I create our toolkits to be free & accessible for all – and would really appreciate you boosting it on social media and sharing it with your parenting, faith & school communities. <3


See what's new in the Resource Library

Share the tools you use to ignite kind & courageous leaders.

Second: Check out what's new in the Resource Library

More rainy day kids activities, more letter templates to get through awkward conversations with friends, colleagues, and your kids’ school. So many things!

DO NOT turn this into a ‘Oh no – another thing I need to do with my kids!’

I know you’re busy – which is why our resource library is organized by use for quick reference whenever need a little help.

Click through to the LBT Resource Library.

Our resource library is community-sourced – you can add thoughts and suggestions directly in the documents and submit suggestions using the contact form – or just comment below.

Need help logging in?

if you don’t see a QR code & link to join the Polo group above, make sure you’re logged in.

Learn how our polo chat groups work here.

Contact me if you need help.

Meanwhile, in the Collab Lab:

Want to model healthy friendships for your kids?

Check out the self-paced workshop and resources we created for our Friends From A Time Ago Collaboration.

While I’m no longer directly guiding the group, I’m still here to listen & facilitate our conversations.

Pop in whenever you have a question, need to vent, or just want to practice maintaining healthy friendship boundaries to support your activism & care-giving work.

Need help logging in?

if you don’t see a QR code & link to join the Polo group above, make sure you’re logged in.

Learn how our polo chat groups work here.

Contact me if you need help.

Want a break from over-consuming & over-working?

Our next CoLab project is one part experiment, one part accountability, and probably another two parts incoherent rambling!  Join me for the Pick Your Battles Sharecast!

It’s gonna take a few months to get back to full-speed as I recover from surgery this Wednesday.

(Honestly, every winter I turn into an incoherent meat paperweight anyway. You won’t be missing much.)

So this February & March, we embrace the uncomfortable un-productivity of retreating and composting for a creative spring and an action-packed summer.

You’re welcome to silently lurk, check in once a month, binge the whole thing at the end, or connect with me 1-on-1 with your own updates.

This is an anti-hustle project!

Coming up next:

This is my last weekly update before the 4-week break.

I’ll be back March 3rd to assess whether we need to extend my recovery or slowly start rolling again.

Meanwhile – enjoy a chill & lucky Rabbit New Year!

With you,

– Ashia


PS: Check out the new league of January badasses!

PPS: Check out Jinxed – including daily challenges & joys you might not realize about chronic illness.

PPPS: Project NIA is hosting a Songwriting for abolition workshop. I can’t tell if this is for kids, or just caregivers, but it’s free, so join the event if you’re available.


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©2023 Ashia Ray of Raising Luminaries™. All rights reserved.

Raising Luminaries is anchored in the land of the Wampanoag & Massachusett People.
Support Wôpanâak early childhood education here.

Photographs via Unsplash & Illustrations via Storyset, used with permission.

Raising Luminaries

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